Get Started with Pixel Anti-Cheat for Unity

Anti-Cheat Library Features

Pixel Anti-Cheat includes a large set of different features, most of which can work in automatic mode without any modification and are activated by a couple of lines of code.

Keep in mind that trusting the client to work with data is always a risk, and no anti-cheat will save you from data spoofing, but it will make it much harder for the cheater to do so. If you want to make a safe application, only work with data on the server and only use the client to display the result.

Pixel Anti-Cheat includes:

  • Example work and UI for cheaters;
  • Several classes of cheater detectors;
  • Classes for working safely with PlayerPrefs and the file system, using encryption;
  • Classes for getting time from the Internet;
  • Basic types with encryption to protect against spoofing in memory (for example via Cheat Engine or similar);

Cheatin Detection Modules:

  • Speed Hack Detection;
  • Teleport Hack Detection;
  • Time Hack Detection (offline and online);
  • Wall Hack Detection;
  • Assembly Injection Detection;
  • Memory Hack Detection (only for Secured base types);

Secured Base Types:

  • Bool, Byte, Float, Double, Decimal, Int, String, Char, Long, Short;
  • UInt, ULong, UShort, SByte;
  • Quaternion, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4;

Additional Modules:

  • Secured PlayerPrefs (Encrypted PlayerPrefs analog);
  • Secured File IO (Save and Load Encrypted files);
  • Network Timestamp request;


  1. Download Pixel Anti-Cheat Latest Release here.
  2. Install pixel-anticheat.unitypackage from Pixel-Anticheat/Packages/ folder.
  3. Open ExampleScene and learn how it works.

Anti-Cheat Basic Usage

In order to start working with automatic detection modules, you must initialize them.

The initialization is done as follows:


You can also initialize all modules at once:


Don't forget that some modules have parameters:

AntiCheat.Instance().AddDetector<SpeedHackDetector>(new SpeedhackDetectorConfig(){ coolDown = 30 }).InitializeAllDetectors();

And What's all for basic usage!

Need more information? Read full documentation here.

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